First Baptist Church is a multi-generational congregation where every age is welcomed, valued and empowered to grow in faith and the joy of abundant life in Christ.
We are an autonomous, local Baptist church, affiliated with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ), and the Georgian Bay Association of Baptist Churches.

Our Mission is to
Love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind and strength; and to love our neighbour as ourselves. (Mark 12:30,31)
Our Mandate is to
Lead people to salvation
Encourage and empower people to be growing Christians who understand God’s Word and apply it in their lives.
Be a loving, unified church family, acknowledging and employing our different gifts
Change, without compromising Christ’s message, traditions which hinder our effectiveness in a rapidly changing society
Be a positive and relevant societal leader.
First Baptist Church is committed to being a multi-generational congregation where every age is welcomed, valued and empowered to grow in faith and the joy of abundant life in Christ.

First Baptist Church in Barrie was founded in 1877 and relocated from the downtown core to its present location in 1997. By 2004 we needed more space for our growing congregation and in 2006 an ambitious expansion of the sanctuary and parking lot was completed.